
Havens: Stories and Portraits from NHS Lothian

Subject: Linda Lupton. Haven: Linen Room, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh.
Havens Project 2022-2024 by Davies|Easton, commissioned by Tonic Arts/NHS Lothians Charity

28 June – 13 July 2024
Preview: 27 June, 6-8pm

Join us at Stills for a new exhibition of photographs, audio and text by award-winning artists, Craig Easton and Lottie Davies. The work on show is the result of an 18-month long residency with NHS Lothian Charity commissioned by their Tonic Arts and Green Health teams.

Imposing, but intimate, large-scale portraits, still lives and personal testimony document the ‘havens’ of NHS Lothian staff; the places where they find time for quiet in their hectic workdays. From the basement laundry at the Royal Infirmary to the rooftop terrace of NHS Lothian headquarters at Waverley Gate, and from a clinical pharmacist at Midlothian Community Hospital to the painter and decorator at the Royal Edinburgh, 28 penetrating photographs uncover these hidden gems and celebrate the commitment of the staff who find solace in them.  

During their residency, the artists interviewed and photographed over 70 NHS staff across the Lothians, from a variety of roles across a wide range of hospital and healthcare sites. The result is a collection of photographs and stories that give insight to the wellbeing and mental health needs of all those working in healthcare. The work has become part of NHS Lothian Charity’s Tonic Arts permanent art collection and will be exhibited across hospital and healthcare sites across the region in the coming months and years.
