Scottish Artists Portfolio Review Bursary

Images © Chris Seddon, courtesy of FORMAT International Photography Festival
We have teamed up with Street Level Photoworks (Glasgow) to offer 10 bursaries to support artists living in Scotland and working in photography. The bursary will fund 5 online portfolio reviews per artists at the upcoming FORMAT International Portfolio Review.
To apply, send an email titled ‘FORMAT Scottish Bursary’ to Seb at sebahc@derbyquad.co.uk and include the following information:
1. Name
2. Contact Number
3. How you would benefit from this bursary? (max 100 words)
4. Information about/weblinks to recent work (max 200 words)
5. Please list 20 reviewers you would like to see, in the order you would like to see them, and we will try our best to allocate your reviews with them – see the full list here.
The reviewer list will be finalised by 30th January 2022. Please apply after this date.
Deadline: 6th February 2022
We will offer 10 artists, 5 reviews each on 24th and 25th March. You must be available on these dates. The reviews will be allocated by the FORMAT team.
All applications will be treated in strictest confidence.