Torture – Andres Serrano


Photographs by Andres Serrano
Words by Éric Mézil, Germano Celant, BeckyHaghpanah-Shirwan
Published in2016 by  Collection Lambert, ed. Les Éditions de l’Amateur, Paris, France.
28.7 x 2.4 x 22.8cm
191 pages

52 available


The New York Times magazine asked Andres Serrano to produce images about torture for the cover and Joseph Lelyveld’s main article “What We Do not Talk About When We Talk About Torture”. For ten years, Andres Serrano regularly returned to the subject, until a recent collaboration with the organisation a/political (which works to support and promote artists working in the socio-political field) for one of his projects, the most ambitious to date. For one year, Andres Serrano was granted access to unique sites and restricted access (in Berlin, Dachau, Buchenwald, Kent in England, Sudan). The series of photographs produced details a cabinet of curiosities that follows the evolution of punitive and coercive techniques through time and place.