COVID Guidelines

We are pleased to announce that Stills has now reopened. We have safety measures in place and will continue to follow the latest government advice and guidelines.

We look forward to seeing you!


Opening hours
Tuesday – Saturday, 12pm – 5pm
Please note we will remain closed on Sundays and Mondays for the time being.

Do I need to book to visit the exhibition?
No. You will not require a ticket to visit our exhibition, however we will be limited to 10 visitors at one time in our gallery space, so a short wait may be required before entering as we monitor numbers. Staff will be on hand to guide you.

What social distancing and hygiene measure will be in place?

  • Revised opening hours of 12-5pm, Tuesday – Saturday.
  • All visitors are requested to wear a face covering or mask. We will regularly review this in line with government and health guidelines.
  • A protective screen has been installed at our reception desk to allow for safe transactions between staff and visitors.
  • A hand-sanitiser station will be available as you enter and leave the building.
  • At the entrance to the gallery we have deconstructed a wall to create more space and allow for safer distancing between visitors.
  • Route pointers and distancing markers will be in in place throughout the gallery to guide staff and visitors to allow 2m distance at all times. Please keep your distance from others, follow the guidance, and observe maximum room capacities.
  • We are encouraging contactless payments to minimise touch points.
  • We have increased our cleaning regime across the building with increased frequency to sensitive areas, handrails, handles, and doors.
  • In order to minimise contact, our toilets will not be accessible to the public at this time. We will regularly review this in line with phased changes.


Our library will remain closed to the public and to facility users. We have taken this decision so that we can maximise safety in our workplace for staff.


Class sizes have been reduced to ensure 2 metres between course participants, and no additional use of the production facilities will be run concurrently with a course.
If you are attending a course in-house, please follow these instructions:

  • Check your symptoms
    If you have a high temperature, a continuous cough or are experiencing a loss of your sense of smell or taste, please stay at home and inform Stills. The same applies if you have been in contact with anyone experiencing these symptoms. If you’ve paid in advance, we’ll transfer or refund your booking.
  • Arrive on time
    Please arrive promptly for your course – not too early and not too late – and please come alone unless you’re booked in with a family member.
  • Contact Details
    Please make sure we have your most up to date contact details. This is now an important requirement due to Track & Trace and we will be asking for them at time of booking and if necessary upon entry to the gallery.
  • Wear a mask
    Please wear a mask whist moving through the building. Staff will be wearing masks and/or face shields as per government guidance. If you don’t have a mask, we’ll have disposable ones available for you. When seated at your workstation or in the darkrooms you may remove your mask, but if you need to move through the building please replace your mask again and maintain 2m distance from anyone else.
  • Sanitise your hands
    Upon arrival at the gallery, we’ll kindly ask you to sanitise your hands with alcohol gel provided.
  • During your Course…
    Once you’re at your allotted course workspace, please stay there for the duration of the course as far as is possible.

Production Facilities

  • Prices and Opening Times
  • Tuesday, 12pm—5pm
  • Wednesday, 12pm—9pm
  • Thursday, 12pm—9pm
  • Friday, 12pm—5pm
  • Saturday, 12pm—5pm

    Prices are below:

    Day Pass – £15
    (Tuesday – Saturday)

    Additional Consumables
    Film Processing – £3/film, now with a minimum spend of £9
    This is still a flat rate for 35mm, 120 film, B&W and C-41 and does not require an additional Day Pass. We have equipped all Individual darkrooms with film processing equipment so as to accommodate more processing in a single day.
    B&W Printing Chemistry – £2/litre
    Colour Printing Chemistry – £10/day

    Please note: the Month Pass is no longer available. We hope to increase opening hours and availability in the future, with incentivised prices for multiple bookings to follow.
  • Booking and Payment
    We will be operating an online booking system as much as possible and would direct you to this page to check availability. Phone and email bookings can be taken as usual if preferred.
    We will not be handling cash at this time and would prefer everyone to use contactless payment where possible. Advance online payment will be required for facilities users to reduce any unnecessary contact.
  • Check your symptoms
    If you have a high temperature, a continuous cough or are experiencing a loss of your sense of smell or taste, please stay at home and inform Stills. The same applies if you have been in contact with anyone experiencing these symptoms. If you’ve paid in advance, we’ll transfer or refund your booking.
  • Arrive on time
    Please arrive promptly for your course – not too early and not too late – and please come alone unless you’re booked in with a family member.
  • Contact Details
    Please make sure we have your most up to date contact details. This is now an important requirement due to Track & Trace and we will be asking for them at time of booking and if necessary upon entry to the gallery.
  • Wear a mask
    Please wear a mask whist moving through the building. Staff will be wearing masks per government guidance. If you don’t have a mask, we’ll have disposable ones available for you. When seated at your workstation or in the darkrooms you may remove your mask, but if you need to go to the toilet, contact a member of staff or move through the building please replace your mask again and maintain 2m distance from anyone else.
  • Sanitise your hands
    Upon arrival at the gallery, we’ll kindly ask you to sanitise your hands with alcohol gel provided.
  • During your Session…
    Once you’re at your allotted workstation or darkroom, please stay there for the duration of your session as far as is possible.
  • Cancellations
    We will be now be asking for payment for your session at time of booking. If you have to cancel or reschedule your booking, please let us know 12 hours in advance or you may be charged the full cost of the booking.
Private darkroom
Private darkroom

General Information

We have put the following further precautions in place:

  • Stills have completed a COVID-19 risk assessment and are monitoring all developing risks in line with the current Government guidelines.
  • Stills’ kitchen will now operate for staff only.
  • We will no longer have areas for the public or facility users to eat food.
  • Stills gallery, facilities and offices are being regularly cleaned/sanitised by a professional cleaning company.
  • We have disposable gloves, masks and hand sanitiser available at all times.
  • Stills staff have been provided with information and training on COVID-19, including when to get tested, physical distancing, and cleaning.
  • Staff are required to notify management, stay at home if unwell and get tested if appropriate.
  • Stills maintains attendance records for 21 days in line with the Governments Track & Trace advice.
  • We require everyone using Stills premises to maintain physical distancing at all times and to sanitise/wash hands regularly.
  • Please stay at home and notify Stills if you feel unwell after attending any of our facilities or activities.

If you have questions or concerns…

There’s a lot of things changing for everyone, and it can be an anxious time for many people. Everyone at Stills is doing their best to keep everyone safe, but if you see anything that concerns you – health and safety wise or otherwise – please speak to a member of staff on the day, or email and we will do our best to assist in any way we can.