Project Day: Studio Portrait Photography


26 April 2025
Saturday, 11am—5pm

This course includes an introduction to lighting and composition techniques for portraiture, and also a discussion on portraiture in photographic history.


Tutor: David Grinly

The course will introduce you to some of the most enduring photographic portraits and provide discussion on why they remain so seminal. The course includes an introduction to lighting and composition techniques for portraiture, as well as providing guidance on shutter speed, aperture, lenses, and other visual controls.

You will use studio flash lighting to explore basic techniques in formal and informal portrait photography – though all of the techniques taught are transferrable to natural and other lighting media. There will be time for participants to photograph under three standard lighting set-ups.

Some digital SLR photography experience is recommended.

The morning session centres on discussion of the work of some classic portrait photographers and standard techniques employed. The discussions will include elements of composition, pose, gesture, format and technique.

The afternoon session will cover practical studio lighting, standard lighting set-ups, direction of sitters, and time permitting also a brief introduction to some of the editing capabilities of Adobe Photoshop.

Project Days are designed for those who are already familiar with digital photography processes but who want to pursue a particular aspect or develop more specific skills in one or more areas. This course is the perfect follow-on from our Digital SLR training courses and will support you in building upon your existing knowledge of DSLR camera skills and becoming a better photographer in general. It will help you to work confidently on your own creative projects and develop the artist in you.


Courses are subject to minimum enrolment. Please register early, within five days of the start date, to reduce the likelihood of course cancellation.

Please read our cancellation policy before booking.

Students, anyone over the age of 65, and those in receipt of any form of benefits can claim the concessionary price, offering a 10% discount on the full course price. Valid proof of eligibility must be produced on the first day of the course. Please use the code CONCESSION when prompted at checkout.

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